Tribal Family Services
Tribal Family Services (TFS) works to protect the best interests of Indian children and the stability and security of families by offering an array of culturally specific strength-based services. Collaborating with tribal communities and neighboring agencies, supportive efforts are directed to maintain or reconnect children with their families. These efforts provide culturally sensitive case management, one-on-one support services and referrals to resources to enhance the strength of our families. TFS programs and services are designed to keep our children safe in their homes and support our families to be resilient, healthy and connected to their tribal communities.

For Additional Information
Tribal Family Services
(760) 749-1410 ext. 5321
50100 Golsh Road
Building B
Valley Center, CA 92082
Peace Between Partners, Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (DV/SA) Program:
Offers emergency shelter/supplies, court advocacy for restraining orders, referrals to DV/SA support services and transportation to access those services.
National Domestic Violence Hotline:
1-800-799-7233 or visit https://www.thehotline.org/
Strong Hearted Native Women’s Coalition:
One Safe Place:
San Diego County DV Resources:
YWCA San Diego County Shelter, Housing and Support Services:
Community Services to Families
Staff works with county social services programs to investigate child abuse/neglect referrals for Pauma, Rincon, La Jolla, Mesa Grande, San Pasqual, Los Coyotes and Inaja-Cosmit. CSTF prevention staff provide case management, transportation and referrals to resources to prevent the breakup of our Native families.
ICWA staff represents the same 7 tribes in state court to work with and support our families to reunify with their children by providing case management, transportation, supervised visits and referrals.
National Indian Child Welfare Association:
Child Abuse Hotline Call:
858-560-2191 or visit:
Child Welfare Services (CWS) Resources for Families:
Mandated Reporter Training:
Family Court:
Feeding SD:

My 2 Aunties
This program is for Native American Families using hands on lessons, activities, and discussion with My Two Aunties. It is a family strengthening program where families will learn how to have a healthy pregnancy and how to be prepared for the birth of the baby. Lessons include prenatal care, infant care, toddler care, life skills and healthy living for the family.

Information on Family Spirit Curriculum: https://familyspiritprogram.org/
Breastfeeding resource: https://truecare.org/programs-resources/wic/
Information about Medications in Pregnancy & Lactation: https://mothertobaby.org/
San Diego Diaper Bank: https://sandiegofoodbank.org/programs/diaper-bank-program/