IHC Resource

Peace Between Partners
A variety of Services: Supportive services for victims/survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and/or missing or murdered indigenous people; Court Accompaniment; Assistance with Protective and/or Temporary Restraining Orders (PRO/TRO); Community Resource Referrals/Letters of Support
Contact Name:
Jirrah Paz Bautista, DV/SA Program Coordinator
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
(760) 749-1410, Ext. 5326
Monday-Friday, 8:00AM-4:30PM
Indian Health Council, Inc. - Tribal Family Services Dept. - 50100 Golsh Road, Valley Center, CA 92082, Building B
IHC Event

Women’s Empowerment Circle (Support Group)
Participate in a creative craft while engaging in uplifting discussions. Both locations provide a supportive atmosphere, open minds, and a safe space for all women. We invite women who wish to come together, feel empowered, and enjoy crafting. All materials will be supplied.
Contact Name:
Alyssa Martinez
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
(760) 749-1410, Option 4
Rincon-Wednesdays, 2:00PM-4:00PM; SY- Thursdays, 2:00PM-4:00PM
IHC Rincon - 50100 Golsh Rd. Valley Center, Dreamweaver Rm -- Santa Ysabel (SY) Oak Rm, 110 ½ School House Canyon Rd.